Doctors from the Warsaw Medical Center were among the first in Poland to introduce the ballooning method of treating paranasal sinusitis. This new method is based on clearing the nasal passages using the so-called balonikowania. A small catheter with a balloon made of a very durable material is inserted into the natural opening of the sinuses. The position of the catheter is inspected visually by an endoscope and radiographically on the monitor screen. The balloon is filled with fluid under pressure from several to several atmospheres. As a result of this treatment, the nasal passage reaches its previous width or even grows larger.
Doctors from the Warsaw Medical Center were one of the first in Poland to introduce the treatment of paranasal sinusitis using the ballooning method. This new method is based on clearing the nasal passages using the so-called balonikowania. A small catheter with a balloon made of a very durable material is inserted into the natural opening of the sinuses. The position of the catheter is inspected visually by an endoscope and radiographically on the monitor screen. The balloon is filled with fluid under pressure from several to several atmospheres. As a result of this treatment, the nasal passage reaches its previous width or even grows larger. The procedure is similar to the arterial angioplasty used in the case of coronary artery disease. The high pressure allows for effective and permanent clearing of the sinus openings, and then for rinsing the inside of the sinuses of the secretion there. This method was developed by doctors from Rush University in Chicago.